LMMI [2:07 PM]:
Sleepy why wasnt (Bla bla bla) communicated to MS(once i discussed n informed u
of the communication gap between u two)?
Sleepy has been added to the instant message conversation.
LMMI [2:08 PM]:
Sleepy can we have your response please?
MS [2:08 PM]:
its clear now...LMMI
LMMI [2:08 PM]:
MS time is of essence.
Sleepy [2:08 PM]:
MS was not at her seat that time
Sleepy [2:08 PM]:
she had gone for lunch
LMMI [2:08 PM]:
you could have called her up
Sleepy [2:08 PM]:
then i went for lunch
LMMI [2:08 PM]:
or mailed / IMed her
LMMI [2:08 PM]:
so when she comes back she is immediately aware of it
LMMI [2:09 PM]:
we all know the urgency, dont we?
Sleepy [2:09 PM]:
what is the issue i dont understand .. its not held up our work
LMMI [2:09 PM]:
the proposal goes tmrw. the IT team cant progress unless we submit draft
Sleepy [2:09 PM]:
non of us were sitting idle rite
LMMI [2:09 PM]:
MS sud have ideally finished the template had the miscomm been not
LMMI [2:10 PM]:
Sleepy, you will not be rude.
Sleepy [2:10 PM]:
where am i being rude
LMMI [2:10 PM]:
by refuting and accepting your mistake
Sleepy [2:10 PM]:
wht is my msitake .. ?
LMMI [2:10 PM]:
and instead trying to argue (not sitting ideal)?
Sleepy [2:11 PM]:
its not like anyone duplicated efforts
LMMI [2:11 PM]:
Sleepy none of us is ideal
LMMI [2:11 PM]:
you dont get it still.
LMMI [2:11 PM]:
the template is far from quality output
LMMI [2:11 PM]:
so are the charts
LMMI [2:11 PM]:
if you guys dont gear up, i will have to work on them myself!
LMMI [2:11 PM]:
and i expect the best from you two!
LMMI [2:12 PM]:
i understand that you need training and hence i have given a lot of time
LMMI [2:12 PM]:
but, either you give me high quality output or else i will work on it
LMMI [2:13 PM]:
its been 36 + 5 hours.! just for template and charts
LMMI [2:13 PM]:
you tell me should we be spending so much time on them?
LMMI [2:13 PM]:
cant we be more efficient, i ask you?
Sleepy [2:14 PM]:
of course we can .. we got feedback form ashish yesterday and we made
the new template so fast
LMMI [2:14 PM]:
going forward, i want a daily update(in mail form) from both of you
everyday, before you leave.
LMMI [2:14 PM]:
yes that effort was good!
LMMI [2:14 PM]:
but the initial hours lost. almost 30 prior to it. was not acceptable
LMMI [2:15 PM]:
i trust you both to ensure there is no communication gap betwen you two
LMMI [2:15 PM]:
if i communicate something to 1 and ask her/him to communicate it to
other, it should be done asap
Sleepy [2:15 PM]:
i hope u urealise that the communciation has not made us lose time
LMMI [2:15 PM]:
i only resort to trusting, when i myself am running real short of time
LMMI [2:16 PM]:
Sleepy, the issue is not whether or not this time we lost something. but
the error is there
LMMI [2:16 PM]:
and i want you to take up that responsibility. rather than shirking it
LMMI [2:16 PM]:
unless we realise our errors and own them, we cant improvise.
Sleepy [2:16 PM]:
i am not shirking it off ..
LMMI [2:16 PM]:
the point is no such comm gap will be acceptable going forward
LMMI [2:17 PM]:
and yes, MS has lost time. coz had she been informed on time, she
cud have devoted time to it
LMMI [2:17 PM]:
now the meeting happens soon
Sleepy [2:17 PM]:
she has other things to do also
Sleepy [2:17 PM]:
she s completing taht and then she was going to spend time on the
LMMI [2:17 PM]:
like what?
LMMI [2:17 PM]:
LMMI [2:17 PM]:
tell me
Sleepy [2:17 PM]:
its not like she put time on the templatte ..
LMMI [2:18 PM]:
she was thru with charts.
LMMI [2:18 PM]:
had she known she cud have devoted time to template
Sleepy [2:18 PM]:
the charts and then the comparison template
LMMI [2:18 PM]:
that critical time is lost
Sleepy [2:18 PM]:
so are you saying MS was sitting idle .. ?
LMMI [2:18 PM]:
Sleepy i am not losing more time over this.
Sleepy [2:18 PM]:
neither am i
LMMI [2:18 PM]:
there are imp things to be done
LMMI [2:18 PM]:
rather than arguing just ensure the comm gap doenst happen
LMMI [2:19 PM]:
it has happened in past also
LMMI [2:19 PM]:
thankyou both of you for your time now
LMMI [2:19 PM]:
go ahead and get going with ur work now!
LMMI [2:19 PM]:
all the best! and i want the best from u
LMMI [2:44 PM]:
Sleepy... its 2 hrs! i was expecting draft in 90min
LMMI [2:44 PM]:
when can u send it?
LMMI [2:45 PM]:
ok i got it
Sleepy [2:45 PM]:
jus go throug your mailbox before ..
LMMI [2:46 PM]:
before what Sleepy?
LMMI [2:47 PM]:
i dont see any need for being unnecessarily rude
Sleepy [2:47 PM]:
I am not being rude ... your first statement was not polite
LMMI [2:47 PM]:
yes you are being rude.
LMMI [2:48 PM]:
i've overlooked it in the past.
LMMI [2:48 PM]:
please ensure it doesnt repeat